On Wednesday, Nov. 20th, the KDCF invited representatives of numerous local charities to the gallery at Centre 64 to receive the 2019 Community Grants and the Bill Motek and Jim Monteith Memorial Grants. A total of just over $26.000 was disbursed to 11 different organizations.

Our Community Grants are composed of income earned from the Theresa Cundiff Memorial Fund, the Kootenay Savings Community Fund and the Kimberley Community Fund. The amounts and recipients were:
CBAL for Alphabet Soup Family Literacy Program -Amount $1,000.00
Kimberley Pipe Band for Road to Holland 2020 – Amount $4,000.00 (Does not cover travel expenses)
Spark Youth Society for Lights, Cameras and Marketing Action – Amount $1,000.00
Kootenay Brain Injury Association for the Strive Program – Amount $3,600.00
Kimberley Arts Council for Film Night at Centre 64 – Amount $1,000.00
Kimberley Arts Council for the Retrofit of the Green Room – Amount $1,000.00
Healthy Kimberley Adventure Park on Swan Avenue – Amount $4,000.00
CBEEN for Educational Programs for K-12 Students – Amount $1,000.00
MADD Canada for 2 School Assemblies – Amount $2,000.00
Kimberley Elks Lodge #90 for Hall Kitchen Renovations Amount – $4,000.00
In addition to the Community Grants, $3880 from the Bill Motek Memorial Fund was given to the Pines Memorial and Development Society for new amenities at the Special Care Home. As well, just over $250 from the Jim Monteith Memorial Fund was donated to the Helping Hands Food Bank to buy toys for kids this Christmas.